March 9, 2008


The Greasecar Vegetable Oil Conversion System is an auxiliary fuel modification system that allows diesel vehicles to run on straight vegetable oil (SVO) in any climate. That means people could fill up their cars with the excess fry oil that resturants usually throw away. The system is really ideal for shipping and distribution, considering that every truck and semi is powered by diesel. A potato chip delivery truck could be fueled with the left over Vegetable Oil from frying the chips, thus recycling and repurposing a waste product. Not only is it a recycled product, but Vegetable oil also has a much lower level of emissions than diesel and biodiesel. Most specifically in Carbon where it is 26% lower than diesel, and 39% lower in particulate matter.

BioDiesel (B-100) vs. Recycled Veg Oil (SVO)

1. BioDiesel (B-100) requires expensive processing facilities and
machinery to produce.

2. Production of BioDiesel requires a significant amount of
additional electrical or heat energy.

3. BioDiesel needs to be mixed with hazardous chemicals such as lye
and methanol, resulting in a toxic material. B100 bio-diesel is not
natural, especially if it is diluted with diesel fuel to produce B5
bio-diesel (95%diesel - 5% B100 mixture), B10 or B20. SVO on the
other hand is natural, and is the only engine fuel not considered a
water hazard.

4. SVO is cleaner and safer than diesel and B-100. SVO has no sulfur
thus mitigates acid rain, and SVO spills will not burn as readily
BioDieselor other fuels in the event of an accident.

5. Using SVO allows maximum decentralization of the fuel supply
industry. This reduces our dependence on Mid-East supplies, is
empowering to third world nations / farmers, and US small farm

6. SVO recycles existing atmospheric CO2 thus does not contribute to
global warming, and may in fact, reduce atmospheric CO2 due to
the deposition of solid plant matter back into the earth. B5, B10,
B20 and diesel increase atmospheric CO2.

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