May 1, 2008

Energy - Suggestions

Have we missed an idea, proposal, policy or project that pertains to energy that can be realized in the short term and yields environmental benefits? Make a recommendation, include a summary and link to an image as a comment under this post. Refer to posts dated between 3/10 to 3/11.

Please note, all comments are moderated so if we think its interesting it will be posted here only after its approved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From last week's email:

"Also have you all looked into that technology that supposedly converts C02 into gasoline? I could not believe it either: (go to fuel from thin air), how about the measurable impacts from that one if the power comes from nuclear? Food for thought no?"

Also i really believe it is worthwhile to explore technologies that are potential game changers- such as the technology above and algae carbon capture to bio fuel such as greenfuels out of MIT and similar NREL research. Explore the radical.

Jason Bregman